If you want to know about how much cash, you need, in the bank then this is a good place to start. Using Greg Crabtree framework in his excellent book – Simple Numbers, Straight Talk Big Profits – that includes the four forces of cash flow Tax Debt Working Capital Distributions
Family Legends
Wisdom can be like fine wine With age comes experience and wisdom. Like a fine wine, age can be a great asset. The last two weeks of our Family Money Meal have been a chance to showcase this. For the uninitiated, the Family Money Meal is a concept from the Barefoot Investor, in […]
Net Worth – The Millionaire Scoreboard
What is your Net Worth? Net Worth is the snapshot of the difference between what you own and what you owe. For businesses, this is recorded on a Balance Sheet as Assets and Liabilities. Everyone should complete their own personal Balance Sheet to measure how they are going financially. To be considered […]
My Favourite Things
Just like Oprah With the last of this years blogs, I was reflecting on how to finish off the year. Oprah and Ellen offer their favourite things, so with that in mind, here are my favourite things, some money related, some random. Enjoy… Book Barefoot Investor for Families I know I use a […]
The most wonderful time of the year…
…Or is it? Being on the home stretch to Christmas means a time of reflection: What are you thankful for? Are you where you thought you would be at this time of year? Do you have the funds to pay for this expensive time of year? While this is the giving time of year, […]