aka Safety Net
Regularly contributing to an emergency is an essential line in any budget. Setting up a specific bank account for this can make life easier when the proverbial hits the fan. We have spoken about this before… Budget Basic$ – The 5 features explained
So…this happened…
About 3.30pm on a Friday afternoon the sound of impending doom echoed through my kitchen.
Turns out, a porcelain mug falling from an overhead cupboard onto a glass covered cooktop does not turn out too well for either.
It’s all good!
Cleaned up the glass, removed the cooktop, did some measuring and off we went.*
Raced down to the appliance shop to see what they could do for us. They had what we were looking for – i.e. not a glass cooktop – and as we were paying cash on the last display model, we paid just over half the shelf price. Got to be happy with that!
* Other half had most of this sorted before I raced home from work.
In a Nutshell….
Having the emergency fund really saved our bacon (and we are still able to cook our bacon).
If you do not have any type of an emergency fund, safety net, umbrella fund, rainy day fund, making hay while the sun shines….start one today!!! Or you might find yourself exposed when the tide goes out.
Disclaimer: attempting to include many cliché terms on the topic. Know of any others?
Bacon = Awesome